General Information
Are there any shipping fees while purchasing the car mats from Q Po India?
Q Po India currently provides free shipping all over India.
Although shipping outside India is chargeable and depends upon the location, order value, etc. For this, feel free to contact us.
How much time will it take to receive my order?
Once we receive your order, Q Po India will dispatch it on priority.
Q Po India processing time:
4-5 business days (Saturday & Sunday doesn't include)
Shipping time :
It’ll usually take 7-10 business days (Saturday & Sunday are not include) , depending on factors like location, product, etc.
How should I install the Q Po car mats?
Q-Po India car mats were easy to install. You can check out our step-by-step installation guide.
My product came damaged. What should I do?
Your order goes through multiple checks before dispatching. Q Po India ensures that there's no chance for errors. Still, if you find any issues, kindly go through our Return Policy, or you can connect with our dedicated team at the contact us link.
What colors does Q Po India provide for the car mats?
Q Po India currently deals in black color mats.
Does Q Po India provide any discounts?
Yes, Q Po India regularly offers great discounts on an occasional basis. For this, you can stay connected with us on various social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram.
I want to buy the car mats in bulk for the business. Where can I contact you?
We’re glad that you’re showing interest in B2B. Yes, Q Po India deals in bulk orders.
For this, you can fill out our Apply for Distributorship form, and our dedicated team will be in touch with you within 24 hours.
I have some doubts. How should I contact you?
You can connect with us from Monday to Saturday (10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.).
Our dedicated team loves to help.
I want to cancel my order. How should I approach it?
Once the order is shipped, Q Po India doesn’t process any cancellations. For this, kindly go through our Shipping & Returns Policy page for more information.
Is the online payment safe?
Yes, online payments are safe. As Q Po India is connected with well-established gateway partners, you can check out our Privacy Policy section.
Where can I find the details of my order?
Your order details are automatically shared to your registered email address, which you’ve filled out during the time of checkout. Or you can check the details on your account page, which you’ve registered
Where can I find the details of my particular product, which I want to purchase.
You can access our filter, where you need to add few information. The website will show you the particular product. And all the relevant information related to the product were mentioned in the product page.
How do I login/Sign Up to the website? And is it mandatory to create an account?
You can click the login section on the top-right bar of the website.
Q Po India provides multiple signup options like (Signup Via Gmail, Facebook & E-mail) to create an account.
No, It’s not mandatory to create an account while browsing the website, but we will suggest you to create an account to get an update for new promotional offers & discount.
Kindly note: Email & Mobile Number is mandatory at time of checkout for delivery updates. You can check our Terms & Conditions for information.
I am confused, which product is best for my car?
Don’t worry! Q Po India Team consists full of experts, who were happy to help. You can access our support via:
Whatsapp Chat
Phone No. (10:00 am - 6:00 pm / Monday - Saturday)
What type of payment does Q Po India accept?
Q Po India provides multiple payment options:
Credit Card (Master Card, VISA Card, Rupay, Maestro, Amex etc.)
Debit Card (Master Card, VISA Card, Rupay, Maestro, Amex etc.)
Net Banking (All Indian Bank)